Category: Writers

Angel of Mercy

While data mining at Angel of Mercy hospital, data analyst Cass Dumont turns up information suggesting there are too many heart attacks. Everyone says it can’t be true, but the data doesn’t lie. Too many heart attacks, and no good…

How to Spend Less and Earn More: More Money in Your Pocket

These days, many people are getting pinched from every side. If they’re lucky enough to have a job, their rent goes up. If they have a fixed mortgage, their food bill goes up. What can you do to keep more…

Legacy of Blood, A Futuristic Vampire Thriller

A future built by the survivors of a pandemic. Twenty years after a pandemic wiped out a third of the population, data analyst Jackie Fournier searches for the location where the disease first appeared, hoping to find out why her…

How I Workout, Cook and Eat Healthy in Spite of Being Super-Busy

Like many women, I lead a very busy life.  So when health issues required that I start working out more consistently and cooking all my own meals from scratch, I had to find a way to get it done while…

How to Make a Simple Budget and a Winning Financial Plan

Never put together a budget before?  Not sure what a “net worth” is?  This 40-page book will help you figure out a budget, calculate your net worth and put together a plan for your financial future, all using plain English. …